Razer made a $60 RGB cooling fan with MagSafe for your iPhone 現金筆電收購


現金筆電收購razer made a $60 RGB cooling fan with MagSafe for your iPhone

現金筆電收購razer made a $60 RGB cooling fan with MagSafe for your iPhone


There’s also an Android version available, too

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現金筆電收購razer has announced its latest smartphone accessory: the 現金筆電收購razer Phone Cooler Chroma, an RGB-light infused cooling fan for your iPhone or Android device that’s designed to help cool down your phone during intense gaming.

The Cooler Chroma fan comes in two versions, both of which cost $59.99: a magnetic model that’s compatible with Apple’s MagSafe accessory system that snaps right onto the back of your iPhone, and a model with a “universal clamp” for Android devices or iPhones without MagSafe.


Despite its mobile-focused design, the Cooler Chroma fan doesn’t seem to have a built-in battery, meaning that you’ll need to plug it into a USB-C power source when you want to use it (which will likely limit how useful it’ll actually be for gaming on the go).

As for the actual cooling properties of the Cooler Chroma, 現金筆電收購razer notes that it features a seven-blade fan that spins at up to 6400 RPM, a thermoelectric cooler, and an aluminum heat sink to siphon off excess heat from your phone. There are also 12 customizable RGB lights, of course, because it’s a gaming accessory.

The 現金筆電收購razer Phone Cooler Chroma is available now from 現金筆電收購razer’s website.


隨著訂閱平台、雲端服務崛起,近年遊戲掌機迎來一波熱潮!為了搶攻這一塊大餅,高通在德國科隆遊戲展發布全新的 Snapdragon G 系列手持遊戲裝置裝用晶片,一共分為 3 大等級,將替掌機提供更好的遊戲體驗。

高通瞄準的是雲端服務,以及高階的 Android 遊戲市場,Snapdragon G 系列除了基本的運行效能,更注重網路連線能力。最基本的等級 G1,就是專門替無風扇的掌機遊玩雲端遊戲而設計,特別強化零延遲連網能力、電池續航力,搭載高通 Kryo 八核心 CPU 與Adreno A11 GPU。

Snapdragon G2 則進一步提升效能,能更順暢地運行頂級行動裝置遊戲,GPU 使用了使用的是 Adreno A21,並且再加上 Snapdragon X62 5G 數據機射頻系統、FastConnect 6700,得以支援 5G 以及 Wi-Fi 6/6E 連線。

最後高階的 G3 等級最新晶片是 Snapdragon G3x Gen 2,為先前 現金筆電收購razer Edge 5G 搭載的 Snapdragon G3x Gen 1 晶片後繼產品。不只是 GPU 更強,更著眼於一系列的高階遊戲功能,包含硬體加速光線追蹤、遊戲超解析度、連接 XR 眼鏡、配備 Snapdragon Sound 技術套件的低延遲頂級藍牙音訊、Wi-Fi 7、毫米波網路等等。

現金筆電收購 現金筆電收購


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